Routledge handbook of youth sport / Handbook of youth sport Youth sport edited by Andy Smith, Ken Green. - London : Routledge, 2018. - 582 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm. - Routledge international handbooks . - Routledge international handbooks. .

'The Routledge Handbook of Youth Sport' is a comprehensive survey of the latest research into young people's involvement in sport. Drawing on a wide diversity of disciplines, including sociology, psychology, policy studies, coaching, physical education and physiology, the book examines the importance of sport during a key transitional period of our lives, from the later teenage years into the early twenties, and therefore helps us develop a better understanding of the social construction of young people's lives.

9780815357391 (pbk.) : £39.99

Sports for children.
Physical education for children.
Physical fitness for youth.