Human diseases and conditions / edited by Donna Batten and Paul Schummer. - Third edition. - 1 online resource (4 volumes (xvii, 2437 pages)) : color illustrations - Gale virtual reference library .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Volume 1 : Abscesses -- Acne -- Addiction -- Addison's Disease -- Aging -- AIDS and HIV Infection -- Albinism -- Alcoholism -- Allergies -- Altitude Sickness -- Alzheimer's Disease -- Anemia, Bleeding, and Clotting -- Aneurysm -- Angina -- Anorexia Nervosa -- Anosmia -- Antibiotic Resistance -- Antisocial Personality Disorder -- Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders: Overview -- Appendicitis -- Arteriosclerosis/Atherosclerosis -- Arthritis -- Arthritis, Infectious -- Asthma -- Astigmatism -- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) -- Autism Spectrum Disorder -- Autoimmune Disorders: Overview -- Bacterial Infections -- Bedsores (Pressure Sores) -- Bed-wetting (Enuresis) -- Bell's Palsy -- Bends -- Bioterrorism Agents: Overview -- Bipolar Disorder -- Birth Defects: Overview -- Bites and Stings -- Bladder Cancer -- Blindness -- Body Art (Complications and Care) -- Body Image -- Body Odor -- Botulism -- Brain Cancer -- Brain Injuries -- Brain Parasites -- Brain Tumor -- Breast Cancer -- Broken Bones (Fractures) -- Bronchiolitis and Infectious Bronchitis -- Bruises -- Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder -- Bullying -- Burns -- Caffeine-Related Disorders -- Cancer: Overview -- Carbon Monoxide Poisoning -- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome -- Cataracts -- Cavities -- Celiac Disease -- Cerebral Palsy -- Cervical Cancer -- Chagas Disease -- Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease -- Chickenpox (Varicella) -- Child Abuse -- Chlamydial Infections -- Choking -- Cholera -- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome -- Chronic Illness -- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) -- Cirrhosis of the Liver -- Cleft Palate -- Clubfoot -- Cold-Related Injuries -- Collagen Vascular Diseases: Overview -- Collapsed Lung (Pneumothorax) -- Color Blindness -- Colorectal Cancer -- Common Cold -- Compulsive Hoarding Disorder -- Concussion -- Conduct Disorder -- Congenital Infections -- Conjoined Twins -- Consciousness -- Constipation -- Conversion Disorder -- Corneal Abrasions -- Coxsackievirus and other Enteroviruses -- Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease -- Crohn's Disease -- Croup -- Cushing's Syndrome -- Cutting and Self-Harm -- Cyclosporiasis and Cryptosporidiosis -- Cyst -- Cystic Fibrosis -- Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Infection -- Volume 2 : Deafness and Hearing Loss -- Death and Dying -- Delirium -- Delusions, Delusional Disorders, and Paranoia -- Dementia -- Dengue Fever -- Depressive Disorders: Overview -- Dermatitis -- Detached Retina -- Diabetes -- Diarrhea -- Dietary Deficiencies -- Diphtheria -- Disability -- Dissociative Identity Disorder -- Diverticulitis/Diverticulosis -- Down Syndrome -- Drowning -- Dumping Syndrome -- Dyslexia -- Dysrhythmia -- Ear Disorders: Overview -- Ear Infections: (Otitis) -- Eating Disorders: Overview -- Ebola Virus Disease -- Ectopic Pregnancy -- Elder Abuse -- Elephantiasis -- Embolism -- Emergency Resuscitation (CPR) -- Emphysema -- Encephalitis -- Endocarditis, Infectious -- Endometriosis -- Environmental Diseases: Overview -- Epididymitis -- Epiglottitis -- Epilepsy -- Erectile Dysfunction -- Ewing's Sarcoma -- Eye Disorders: Overview -- Eyelid Disorders: Overview -- Factitious Disorder -- Fainting (Syncope) -- Familial Mediterranean -- Fanconi Anemia -- Farsightedness -- Fears and Phobias -- Feeding Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood -- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) -- Fetishism -- Fever -- Fibrocystic Breast Disorder -- Fibromyalgia -- Fifth Disease -- Filariasis -- Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders -- Folliculitis -- Food Insecurity -- Food Poisoning -- Foot Disorders: Overview -- Fungal Infections -- Galactorrhea -- Gallbladder Disease -- Gallstones -- Gangrene -- Gastroenteritis -- Gender Dysphoria -- Genetic Diseases: Overview -- Genital Warts -- GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) -- German Measles (Rubella) -- Giardiasis -- Glaucoma -- Global Health Issues -- Glomerulonephritis -- Gonorrhea -- Gout -- Growing Pains -- Growth and Growth Disorders -- Guillain-Barr�e Syndrome -- Hair and Hair Loss -- Hallucination -- Hand, Foot , and Mouth Disease -- Hangover -- Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome -- Hay Fever -- Headache -- Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction) -- Heart Disease: Overview -- Heart Disease, Congenital -- Heart Murmur -- Heartburn (Dyspepsia) -- Heat-Related Injuries -- Helicobacter pylori Infection -- Hemochromatosis -- Hemoglobinopathies -- Hemorrhoids -- Hepatitis -- Hernia, Gastrointestinal -- Herpes Simplex Virus Infections -- Hiccups -- Hirsutism -- Hives -- Homelessness -- Hookworm -- Hormone-Secreting Tumors -- Horner Syndrome -- Human Papillomavirus (HPV) -- Huntington Disease -- Hydrocephalus -- Hyperlipidemias -- Hypertension -- Hypochondria -- Hypoglycemia -- Hypotension -- Immune Deficiencies -- Immune System and Other Body Defenses: Overview -- Immunoglobulin Deficiency Syndrome -- Impacted Teeth -- Impetigo -- Incontinence -- Infection -- Infertility -- Inflammatory Bowel Disease -- Influenza -- Insomnia -- Intellectual Disability -- Internet Addiction Disorder -- Intestinal Infections -- Intestinal Obstruction -- Intestinal Parasites -- Intracranial Bleeding -- Intussusception -- Irritable Bowel Syndrome -- Volume 3 : Jaundice -- Jet Lag -- Kawasaki Disease -- Kidney Cancer -- Kidney Disease -- Kidney Stones -- Kleptomania -- Knee Injuries: Overivew -- Kwashiorkor -- Laryngitis -- Lead Poisoning -- Learning Disabilities: Overview -- Legionnaires' Disease -- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Issues -- Leukemia -- Lichen Planus -- Liver and Biliary Tract Cancers -- Lou Gehrig's Disease (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) -- Lung Cancer -- Lupus -- Lyme Disease -- Lymphedema -- Lymphoma -- Malaria -- Maldigestion and Malabsorption Syndromes: Overview -- Male Breast Enlargement -- Malignant Melanoma -- Malnutrition -- Marfan Syndrome -- Measles (Rubeola) -- Memory and Amnesia -- Meningitis -- Menopause -- Menstruation and Menstrual Disorders -- Mercury Poisoning -- MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) -- Mesothelioma -- Metabolic Disease -- Metabolic Syndrome -- Microcephaly -- Mononucleosis, Infectious -- Motion Sickness -- Mouth Disorders: Overview -- Multiple Sclerosis (MS) -- Mumps -- Muscle Spasms and Cramps -- Muscular Dystrophy -- Mushroom Poisoning -- Myasthenia Gravis (MG) -- Mycobacterial Infections, Atypical -- Mycoplasma Infections -- Myocarditis and Pericarditis -- Narcolepsy -- Nearsightedness -- Nephrotic Syndrome -- Neural Tube Defects -- Neuroblastomas -- Neurofibromatosis -- Neurogenic Bladder -- Neutropenia -- Nocturia -- Nonspecific Urethritis -- Nosebleeds -- Obesity -- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder -- Oncogenic Infections -- Ophthalmoplegic Syndromes -- Oppositional Defiant Disorder -- Oral Cancer -- Orchitis -- Osgood-Schlatter Disease -- Osteomyelitis -- Osteoporosis -- Ostomies -- Ovarian Cancer -- Ovarian Cysts -- Overactive Bladder -- Pain -- Pancreatic Cancer -- Pancreatitis -- Panic Disorder -- Paralysis -- Parasitic Diseases: Overivew -- Parkinson's Disease -- Pedophilia -- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) -- Peptic Ulcer -- Peripheral Vascular Disease -- Peritonitis -- Personality and Personality Disorders -- Phenylketonuria (PKU) -- Phimosis -- Phlebitis and Venous Thrombosis -- Pica -- Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) -- Plague -- Pleurisy -- Pneumoconiosis -- Pneumonia -- Poisoning -- Poliomyelitis -- Polyps -- Porphyria -- Port Wine Stain (Nevus Flammeus) -- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) -- Postpartum Depression -- Preeclampsia/Eclampsia -- Pregnancy -- Prematurity -- Priapism -- Prion Diseases -- Prostate Problems: Overview -- Psoriasis -- Psychopharmacology -- Psychosis -- Puberty and Sexual Development -- Rabies -- Radiation Exposure -- Raynaud's Disease -- Regenerative Medicine -- Repetitive Stress Syndrome -- Reye's Syndrome -- Rheumatic Fever -- Rickets -- Rickettsial Infections -- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever -- Rosacea -- Roseola Infantum -- Roundworm Infection -- Volume 4 : Salmonellosis -- Sarcoma -- Scarlet Fever -- Schizophrenia -- School Avoidance -- Sciatica -- Scleroderma -- Scoliosis -- Scrotal Swelling -- Scurvy -- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) -- Seizures -- Selective Mutism -- Sepsis -- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) -- Sexual Abuse -- Sexual Disorders -- Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Overview -- Shigellosis (Bacillary Dysentery) -- Shin Splints -- Shingles (Herpes Zoster) -- Shock -- Sickle Cell Anemia -- Sinusitis -- Situs Inversus -- Sj�oren's Syndrome -- Skin and Soft Tissue Infections -- Skin Cancer -- Skin Conditions: Overview -- Skin Parasites: Overview -- Sleep Disorders: Overview --Slipped (Herniated) Disk -- Soiling (Encopresis) -- Somatic Symptom Disorder -- Sore Throat/Strep Throat -- Speech Disorders: Overview -- Spina Bifida -- Spinal Cord Injury -- Spinocerebellar Ataxia -- Sports Injuries: Overview -- Staphylococcal Infections -- Stomach Cancer -- Strains and Sprains -- Streptococcal Infections -- Stress and Stress-Related Illness -- Stroke -- Stupor and Coma -- Substance Abuse -- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) -- Suicide -- Synesthesia -- Syphilis -- Tapeworm -- Tay-Sachs Disease -- Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome -- Tendinitis -- Tennis Elbow (Epicondylitis) -- Testicular Cancer -- Testicular Torsion -- Testing and Evaluation -- Tetanus (Lockjaw) -- Thalassemia -- Thrush -- Thyroid Cancer -- Thyroid Disease -- Tic Disorders: Overview -- Tick-Borne Illnesses: Overview -- Tinnitus -- Tobacco-Related Diseases: Overview -- Tonsillitis -- Tourette Syndrome -- Toxic Inhalation Injuries -- Toxic Shock Syndrome -- Toxoplasmosis -- Trauma -- Travel-Related Infections: Overview -- Trichinosis -- Trichotillomania -- Trypanosomiasis -- Tuberculosis -- Tularemia -- Tumor -- Turner Syndrome -- Typhoid Fever -- Typhus -- Urinary Tract Infections -- Uterine Cancer -- Vaccines and Immunization -- Valley Fever -- Varicose Veins -- Vascular Diseases: Overview -- Vertigo -- Viral Infections -- Vitiligo -- Warts -- West Nile Fever -- Whooping Cough (Pertussis) -- Wounds -- Yeast Infection, Vaginal -- Yellow Fever -- Zika Virus Infection -- Zoonoses: Overview.

Presents information on numerous diseases and conditions. Articles include a definition of the disease or condition, an explanation of how it works in the body, information on causes, symptoms and diagnosis, treatment or cure, and lifestyles.


Medicine, Popular--Encyclopedias.