The Gale encyclopedia of environmental health [electronic resource] / Encyclopedia of environmental health Jacqueline L. Longe, editor. - 1st ed. - Detroit : Gale, Cengage Learning, 2013. - 1 online resource (2 v. (xxv, 936 p.)) : col. ill., col. maps. - Gale virtual reference library .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Acetone -- Acid Rain -- Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry -- Agricultural Chemicals -- Aids -- Air Pollution -- Algal Bloom -- Altitude Sickness -- Ambient Air -- Amebiasis -- American Public Health Association -- Ammonia Exposure -- Anthrax -- Antimicrobial Resistance -- Asbestos -- Asbestosis -- Aspergillosis -- Asthma -- Autism -- Avian Flu -- Background Radiation -- Bedbug Infestation -- Benzene -- Benzene and Benzene Derivatives Exposure -- Benzo(a)pyrene -- Berylliosis -- Bhopal, India -- Bioinformatics -- Biomonitoring -- Biosafety -- Bioterrorism -- Biotoxins -- Bisphenol A -- Black Lung Disease -- Bronchitis -- Brownfield Sites -- Brucellosis -- Byssinosis -- Cadmium -- Cadmium Poisoning -- Campylobacteriosis -- Cancer -- Carbon Monoxide Poisoning -- Cellular Phones -- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -- Chartered Institute of Environmental Health -- Chemical Poisoning -- Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station Disaster -- Child Survival Revolution -- Chlorination -- Chlorine Exposure -- Cholera -- Chronic Kidney Disease -- Chronic Wasting Disease -- Clean Air Act (1963, 1970, 1977, 1990) -- Clean Water Act (1972, 1977, 1987) -- Climate Change -- Colony Collapse Disorder -- Communicable Diseases -- Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) -- Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease -- Cruise Ship Health -- Cryptosporidiosis -- Cutting Oil Exposure -- Cyanosis -- Dams -- Decompression Sickness -- Dengue Fever -- Diphtheria -- Disaster Preparedness -- Disease Outbreaks -- Drinking-Water Supply -- Drought -- Dysentery -- Earth Day -- Earthquakes -- Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever -- Electric Shock Injuries -- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (1986) -- Emergency Preparedness -- Emergent Diseases (Human) -- Emphysema -- Endemic -- Endocrine Disruptors -- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) -- Epidemiology -- Ergonomics -- Escherichia Coli -- Explosives -- Exposure Science -- Exxon Valdez -- Famine -- Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (1972) -- Federal Water Act (1972) -- Fibrosis -- Flooding -- Flu Pandemic -- Food Additives -- Food and Drug Administration -- Food Contamination -- Food Poisoning -- Food Safety -- Foodborne Illness -- Fracking -- Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Disaster -- Fungal Infections -- Fungicide -- Giardiasis -- Global Public Health -- Goiter -- Guinea Worm Disease -- Gulf Oil Spill -- Gulf War Syndrome -- H1N1 Influenza A (2009) -- Haiti Earthquake -- Hantavirus Infections -- Hazardous Waste -- Healthy Cities -- Heat Disorders -- Heat (Stress) Index -- Heavy Metal Poisoning -- Hemorrhagic Fevers -- High Temperature Environments -- Horn of Africa Drought and Famine -- Housing -- HPV Vaccination -- Human Papilloma Virus -- Humanitarian Aid -- Hurricanes -- Icelandic Volcano Eruption (2010) -- Indoor Air Quality -- Industrial Hygiene -- Insecticide Poisoning -- Ionizing Radiation -- Japanese Earthquake (2011) -- Katrina -- Land Use -- Lead -- Lead Poisoning -- Legionnaires' Disease -- Leptospirosis -- Leukemia -- Levee -- Listeriosis -- Love Canal -- Low-Temperature Environments -- Lyme Disease -- Malaria -- Manganese Exposure -- Measles -- Medical Waste -- Melanoma -- Meningitis -- Mercury -- Mercury Poisoning -- Methemoglobinemia -- Microbial Pathogens -- Mold -- Multiple Chemical Sensitivity -- Mumps -- National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) -- National Environmental Health Association -- National Environmental Policy Act (1969) -- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health -- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (Research Triangle Park, North Carolina) -- National Park -- Nature Deficit Disorder -- Necrotizing Fasciitis -- Neurotoxin -- 9/11 Terrorist Attacks -- Noise Pollution -- Non-Ionizing Radiation -- Noroviruses -- Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970) -- Occupational Safety and Health Administration -- Oil Spills, Health Effects of -- Omnibus Flood Control Act (1936) -- One Health Initiative -- Oxfam -- Ozone -- Ozone Exposure -- Pandemic -- Parasites -- Patch Testing -- Plague -- Polio -- Population and Disease -- Population Pyramid -- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder -- Protein-Energy Malnutrition -- Public Health Service -- Rachel Carson Council -- Radiation -- Radiation Exposure -- Radiation Injuries -- Red Cross -- Resource Conservation and Recovery Act -- Risk Assessment -- River Blindness -- Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 -- Rodents -- Safe Drinking Water Act (1974) -- Sanitation -- Save the Children -- Schistosomiasis -- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) -- Seveso, Italy -- Shigellosis -- Sick Building Syndrome -- Sierra Club -- Silicosis -- Skin Cancer -- Sleeping Sickness -- Smallpox -- Smog -- Smoking -- Soil Conservation Act (1935) -- Sulfur Exposure -- Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (1986) -- Swimming Advisories -- Talcosis -- Teratogen -- Thesaurosis -- Three Mile Island Nuclear Disaster -- Times Beach -- Tornado and Cyclone -- Toxic Sludge Spill in Hungary -- Toxic Substances Control Act (1976) -- Toxicology -- Traveler's Health -- Tropical Disease -- Tsunamis -- Tuberculosis -- Typhoid Fever -- Typhus -- Ultraviolet Radiation -- UNICEF -- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services -- Vaccination -- Vector (Mosquito) Control -- Viruses -- Volatile Organic Compound -- Volcanic Eruptions -- Water Fluoridation -- Water Pollution -- Water Quality -- Water Quality Standards -- Waterborne Illness -- West Nile Virus -- Whooping Cough -- Wildfires -- World Health Organization -- Yellow Fever -- Yokkaichi Asthma -- Zero Population Growth -- Zoonoses.

Contains information on the actual catastrophic events - how, where, when, why each of these environmental conditions occurred - what impact the effect has and the kinds of health issues that arise from the event, how to identify the health issues, and how to treat the conditions through test, treatment, therapy, and public health response.

9781414498836 1414498837

Environmental health--Encyclopedias.