Wagner, John, 1949-

Invasion 1984 / John Wagner, Alan Grant, Eric Bradbury. - Oxford : Rebellion, 2019. - 128 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 28 cm

Contains material originally published in magazine form in Battle from 26th March - 31st December 1983.

1984. Skeletal-looking alien warriors have invaded the Earth, bringing many large cities like London to the brink of total destruction! Taken by surprise, mankind must now dig deep to survive! In Britain the tough-as-boots military outfit known as Storm Squad mount the fightback against the 'Spooks' while professor Ed Lomax looks into a way of permanently ridding the plant of this unearthly foe for good!

9781781086759 14.99

Science fiction comic books, strips, etc.
Science Fiction.
Graphic novels.