Britannica's encyclopedia infographica : 1,000s of facts & figures : about Earth, space, animals, the body, technology & more : revealed in pictures /
Encyclopedia infographica
written by Andrew Pettie & Conrad Quilty-Harper ; infographics by Valentina D'Efilippo.
- ix, 325 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour), maps (colour) ; 29 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
This authoritative encyclopedia is perfect for visual learners: it reveals astonishing information about space, Earth, animals, humans and technology through 200 infographics, including maps, charts, timelines and more! Grasp facts at a glance as you turn every page: discover the size of our Sun in comparison to the largest star in the universe; find out which animal can leap 200 times its body length; learn how many cups of snot your body makes a day; compare the sizes of the biggest beasts that have ever lived; witness what happens in a single second across the world.
9781913750459 25.00
Curiosities and wonders--Pictorial works--Juvenile literature. Handbooks, vade-mecums, etc.--Pictorial works--Juvenile literature. Non-Fiction 9+. General Knowledge.