Allen, Rebecca (Professor of Education),

The teacher gap / Rebecca Allen and Sam Sims. - London : Routledge, 2018. - 155 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 21 cm

"A David Fulton book"--Front cover.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Teachers are the most important determinant of the quality of schooling yet we seem to be demoralising and deskilling our teaching profession. This is the teacher paradox. This book resolves the paradox by fundamentally rethinking the way we attract, train, and retain teachers. Drawing on the latest research from economics, psychology, and cognitive science, it builds a case for the specific changes and reforms necessary to revitalise the profession covering expertise, retention, motivation, workload, career development, and recruitment.

9781138730892 19.99

Teachers--Training of.
Teachers--Selection and appointment.
Teachers--Job satisfaction.
Teachers--Professional relationships.