The theory of hospitality & catering / David Foskett, Patricia Paskins, Andrew Pennington ; consultant editor, Neil Rippington ; contributor, Elaine Macaninch.

Foskett, David, 1951-

The theory of hospitality & catering / David Foskett, Patricia Paskins, Andrew Pennington ; consultant editor, Neil Rippington ; contributor, Elaine Macaninch. - fourteenth edition. - London : Hodder Education, 2021. - xii, 412 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm

"Editions before 2011 were published as The theory of catering" --Title page verso. Previous edition: 2016.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

'The Theory of Hospitality & Catering' provides a complete overview of the hospitality and catering industry from commodity and science through to delivery from the supplier, storage, preparation, production and final service to the waiting customer.

9781398332959 (pbk.) : 33.99

Hospitality industry.
Caterers and catering.
Food service management.
Travel and Tourism.